Monday Morning Musing for the week ended 10/26/2024.

As we come down to the final days before the big event, people are wracking their minds, and the decision is as important as ever. After all, Halloween comes but once a year and costumes are paramount to the celebration.
Gotcha! Of course, I am really talking about the election as even Melania and Beyonce are speaking for their respective candidates. With the soft-landing scenario playing out while inflation moderates and unemployment ticks upward, the American consumer remains confident, but deeply concerned with the damage that has been done from all the price increases. Yes, it's hard accepting the $75 lunch for two at our local restaurant or the trip to Starbucks where the 25% tip request seems a tad out of proportion. Geopolitics or debt reduction? Don't worry, we just won't discuss such trifling issues.
While return-enhancing assets did anything but that last week, only cash and a jump in commodity prices were able to stem the damage. Yet for the YTD, domestic stocks are up 23% while bonds just 2%. How's that for a disparity?
Happy Halloween and may you have a productive week.

Interesting Data Point of the Week
Source: Visual Capitalist